Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Britney has done it again. She is the Teflon Bill Clinton of the pop world. The womanizer video was released today and it is HOT.

The song itself- like so many other Britney songs- I found totally annoying at first and then suddenly found myself humming it in the shower. It gets into your head like a very small but very real bullet. That nasal, synthesised voice seduces you. She is pop star gold. It runs in her white trash Alabama veins along side Funions, Cheetos, and Budweiser.

Judging from her birthday suit sauna scenes she has gotten that pre babies body back with a vengeance in large thanks to a combination of drugs, diet pills, personal chefs, and billions of dollars riding on her waistline.

But let's face it- its easy to take cheap shots at the trailer park prom queen. But I will give her credit too. Two babies later, fathered by the trailer park prom king, she has endured countless hits to her career and personal life. A year ago the world even got to watch as she she had a full blown nervous breakdown. And where is she today? Back on top of the charts with a music video that is currently being downloaded in the mental spank banks of men and confused girls aged 15-80.

She is not a role model, she is not healthy, smart, sophisticated, funny, or even remotely sane. But she is a damn good entertainer.

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