There is an age old philosophical question- If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody is there, does it make a sound?
I will pose that to you with a different twist- If the Yankees won the World Series, and nobody watched it, did it even happen?
The answer is- probably. And while many in Philly and Boston are bitter and jaded by the overpaid, over hyped, under worked, heartless team located in NYC- I suppose it is time to congratulate them.
I'm not going to discuss key points of the game, or their season. I'm not going to call their players names, or say Jeter likes man-ass, or Arod is a little bitch who eats steroids on his breakfast cereal. Clearly, I'm above such nonsense. I will however say this- the only thing the Yanks remained consistent on is their increasing budget. They have proved that eventually, money might buy you a win.
Its a lack of Team that bothers me about the Yanks and always has. I know people may say I am bias on this, but watching a team like the Yanks win this series is just not as cool as say, the '04 "cowboy up" attitude and unity that the Sox had winning theirs. In my opinion, watching the Yankees play is about as thrilling as watching an accountant do my taxes.
The Yankees back stab each other. They talk shit in press conferences about their teammates. Torre wrote a book about the shenanigans in NY. They violate the code of sportsmanship with each other. Each one of them is an entitled, self serving player. They are the boys of summer turned men of business on the ball field. The Yanks, for years now, never let people forget, this is their job. In general, the entire organization has forgotten how lucky they are to play the great game of baseball for a living.
And so, while New England channel surfed last night, the NY Yankees finally became contenders again. The price? About a billion dollars over the years and the sacrifice of Americas past time. And while something tells me they won't have it in them to keep the wins consistent next year, may the best team, be the best.
And ps- Arod likes dick. :)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
I don't care who you are....midgets are funny

So, I'm sitting on the sofa the other night, flipping through my new series of HD channels, and come across a show on TLC that features a "little person" (midget) who's regular sized mom is taking horseback riding. Mom is on a regular horse- Midget is on a "dwarf pony". I proceeded to laugh till I nearly peed my pants.
I'd like to speak a bit about the emerging trend lately that midgets (aka dwarfs, funny lil' bastards) are people with feelings. I'm kidding, of course...mostly.
I'm going to go out an a limb here (albeit a short one, haha, get it?) and say I am am tired of the whining that is happening with the little people in the world! So you were born small. So yours is a background and culture of circus people and the lollipop guild. When did we become SO PC in this country that little people lack a sense of humor? You are FUNNY! Everything about you is funny! From your tiny hands to your oddly regular sized heads.
Now, I know- I have lost some of you here. I assure you, I try to do my part in not being a total A-hole. I don't watch Little People Big World because I know its not "supposed" to be funny. I have fought the urge to hire midgets for my annual St. Pattys Day Bday party and have them dress as leprechaun and hand out fake gold to my guests (although, never say never). And I do not go out of my way to seek them out and cackle at them (because it is very hard to find the support group locations online).
If I were a "little person", you can bet your normal, regular sized arse that I would not be crying about my lack of equality, the height of a urinal, the placement of doorknobs or motion detectors. I'd have a sense of humor about it for the sake of Christ! If little people don't understand that they are funny without trying to be- what kind of a world are we living in?!
Mini me, that dude from Jackass, all of munchkin' land, Snow White's posse, Santa's workshop- these people have it MADE! It's like they get to be awesome without even trying and we have to sit there and hear about what a difficult life they have? God even made them dwarf ponies to ride! Shit- the guy from Elf was even kind of good looking! Cirque de Solei has an open invite for them to be in the shows! Boo-Hoo...tough life!
So, in closing, good things come in small packages. To the midgets of the world, I say own it. People don't want to hear you bitch and cry that you are tiny. They want to see you dance because dancing midgets are HILARIOUS. So dance, little person, dance as much as those stubby legs will allow. And thank you for bringing me joy.
Pitiful- Synonyms- ineptitude, inadequacy. This is how I am feeling about my blogging as of late. About to make a conscious effort to be better. Read on.
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