Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Boy Who Lived

If you have ever read book one, chapter one of Harry Potter- the feeling was quite reminiscent today. People huddled up around coffee makers and water coolers, Dunkin Donuts lines, cashiers, cafeterias- all weary eyed and yet talking excitedly. Voldermort (or in this case Bush and his republican regime) is at an end. Better times are coming.

And so we hope- as is the new motto of this neo-democratic party- that things will improve. I noticed today that the rest of the world seems as excited about the choice we made as I am. Foreign presidents and dignitaries raved. Barack Obama made the front page of almost every paper all over the GLOBE today. Finally a ray of light in America. America wants change.

If anyone traveled outside the US in the past 8 years (or read a paper) you understand the negative view the rest of the world had on us. We did not lead by example or embrace what a superpower should. Today I heard the heads of state from almost every European nation endorse the president elect. In Kenya- they danced in the streets.

More impressive was the speech last night given to hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Chicago. We passed power over peacefully, with dignity, and got a record number of people not only interested and educated about our election- but to the polls.

This is two orders of business complete and the man is not even sworn in yet. Just in name he has mended a lot of the foreign hurt done by the Bush administration. Other countries are excited about us, looking up to us as a progressive nation again. And he brought millions of people out to the polls- several first time voters- making all of those people invested in their country. And an invested citizen is a better citizen. We are already a stronger nation because of yesterday and the Obama campaigns ability to organize and inspire.

Race did not help him- but more surprisingly it did not hurt him. He is not just a black man- he is a man with good ideas regardless of his race. And unfortunately those who believe he was elected because he is African-American, or think he is still a dangerous secret Muslim terrorist- will never think otherwise- as clearly these people at this point are not open-minded enough to see the good that has been done for us as a Nation in 24 hours, regardless of his politics.

So come January starts his real work. Time will tell how he does. But in the first 24hrs- I still have to say- to me he is the boy who lived.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Late night thoughts from Nov 4, 2008

I should be going to sleep at this late hour but I felt like I should record my thoughts on this historic night. This post will be more stream of consciousness- and probably not funny.

This evening, November 4th, 2008 Barack Obama won the election for president of the united states. I took the day out of work due to a late meeting and the fact I could hardly focus on anything else for the past few months. This was the world series, Superbowl, Olympics, and Christmas all tied into one for me.

Being from new England- land of athletic heartbreak- and a natural Irish pessimist I did not want to get ahead of myself all day. I did not want to think of victory for my candidate. I wondered why I was so excited.

This is my third election I have voted in- and the first time my candidate has won. It's brings with it an indescribable sense of pride. And for me- one of the first times in my adult life I can recall being truly proud to be an American. I know, I'll get eye rolls and criticism for that comment- but its true for me. I was raised in a city with more underprivilege than thankfully I ever had to see. I am and always have been a liberal democrat- and never even knew till I got to college that "Liberal" had become a derogatory word. I've always believed in people first- basic rights and protection of the rights and civil liberties we are all entitled to- and that a free ride and a fair chance are not the same thing.

I oppose so much of what the other half of our two party system here holds dear. I do not think they are without positives- but for me, simply not enough for them to be in power. I see so little good and benefit in what they have done historically. Perhaps this is why I have never felt as committed or attached to the country as I do now.

So why is Obama my president? Well he has some good ideas- he has some not so good ideas. I don't think my taxes will suddenly drop in January and I'll suddenly be able to buy that new bag guilt free. I'm not sure if my taxes will drop at all given the financial state we are in. But I believe in this person we elected tonight. When he speaks I want to get up and go do something- whatever I can to make my country great. The house, senate, bills, laws, plans, policies- these are all things both parties can contribute to. But with a president who can move and motivate a country- it makes us a stronger nation. A true superpower. America.

My father and Grandfather were war vets. My grandparents on the other side immigrated here from Italy. My mother has been teaching American Political Science for 30plus years. I was raised to be a proud American. But since I have been able to vote it has not just been that my side has lost- but that the side that won seemed to bring down the USA. There was not hope and optimism- there was fear, controversy, and deception. That is not a country I can be proud of- with all benefits I know it has- in my adult life it has been sold short of potential and short of pride.

Tonight for the first time I see an America that I want to live in. A country other nations of the world can look up to once again. And A place where I am sure my niece and other children will prosper- no matter what they want to be. I looked at her tonight as she fell asleep in a chair while watching the electoral map (sure to zonk out any three year old). I'm excited to one day be able to tell her how it used to be for me- and how it changed for me. How America did not let me down and how I didn't feel so alone in my desire to see things better. To not be okay with the status quo and not be labeled as "Un-American" for saying it out loud. To work for a cause or fight for a country and build something worth saving and worth protecting.

A long road is ahead but I feel confident about who we put in place tonight. I feel for the first time that is MY president. It is great to feel part of a country once again. I hope it lasts.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Ok- SO odds are you are not going to watch all 27 minutes of this video. Barack Obama bought out a prime time 30 minute spot to run something of an "infomercial" last night. How are we not motivated by this guy?! I think this was a great way to reach a more massive audience and spread a message of hope and optimism. The short video aspect reaches across age groups.

Overall I think this was a ballsy move for the Obama campaign. He has a lead in the polls but for such a close race, the poll lead is not exactly the best measurement here. What people will say to a pollster is not necessarily what they will do in the privacy of a voting booth.

So why was this a risky move? Obama has yet to really make a huge campaign blunder. A 30 min spot gone wrong could easily have done that. Most of the criticism he is getting today is that this was a puff piece to continue to gather him attention in an already Obama- saturated media. The McCain-Palin Campaign has been poking fun at him for the spot- Not surprising considering the lack of maturity and ridiculous antics of the McPalin duo thus far.

While Barack Obama was running this 30 min, positive, pro- America piece- McCain made more claims against him, calling him a socialist. Obama responded to McCain saying, "I don't know what's next. By the end of the week, he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten. I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich." (

Sarah Palin also did her part at a rally, calling out Obama on his dealings with terrorists turned celebrated university professors and neighbors. She then went shopping for a burberry bikini for her girl Friday photo-shoot. (jk). :)

Obama once again has distinguished himself by not engaging in these high school antics but rather focusing on his campaign and on Americans. His demeanor and dismissive attitude toward the McPalin's make their mud-slinging look even more embarrassing and childish. As more and more republicans start to abandon them, you have to wonder what the next 6 days will bring.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What party are you at?

Pictured are two teenage skinheads who had plotted to kill several African American students and assassinate Senator Barack Obama.

Ok...I'll say it. OBVIOUSLY they are from Arkansas and Tennessee. Other red neck, country bumpkins describe these individuals as "outcasts". No kidding....

I'm afraid this will not be the last of the neo-nazi groups attempt to kill that which they fear or do not understand. I think it is a travesty and these people and all their freakish followers should be made an example out of.

Every once and awhile I think you need to look around and see what kind of a party you are at. If you are at a party where you and your friends are chillin' and having some drinks, and you look over and see the white supremacists skinheads are doing a keg stand, and the NRA fanatics are shooting bud cans off each others heads because they are "allowed" to, and the Christian Right is in the corner pouring over the blue prints of the local planned parenthood clinic...Why the fuck would you stay at that party? You need to LEAVE that party. Because it doesn't matter what you believe in when that's the shit going on in your party. You are ALIGNED with that party and if you are willing to be- something is a little OFF here.

We can all argue about economic plans, health care, wall street, foreign policy- we need both sides to discuss this stuff. But there are certain things that I think are non-negotiable. Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights, the ability to be who you are, fully American without fear or persecution. It is something I hope Americans will remember on November 4th.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Joe The PlumberBummer

John McCain is still trying so hard to spin "Joe the Plumber" into something people can latch onto. Since Massachusetts is blue (and proud to be) I don't get to see a lot of the National ads that go around the country. So I like to youtube them to see what the swing states are seeing.

The ad is a sorry attempt at trying to make people fall for this Joe the Plumber bit. Probably because the "Joe the plumber" McCain tried to rally his party around is actually named Sam, is not a plumber, owes over a grand in back taxes, and would actually benefit from Obamas tax plan. Quite the Champion for your party, you ol' Maverick.

Not to mention the Ad makes ZERO sense! Are all these people making over 250K per year? And if so- we are supposed to leave them alone and give them tax breaks but tax to death people making less. And that system has done what for our Economy? Oh...right...NOTHING. All this "I am Joe the Plumber" stuff cracks me up- yeah...we are all Joe the Plumber- because none of us are Joes or Plumbers. Sweet!

It fascinates me that anyone from the middle class is going with McCain on this issue (and that anyone is even leaning McCain after the 8 year shit storm we have been in). Or that McCain would make such a huge blunder in rallying his party- almost as big a blunder as choosing a witless wonder as his running mate. And why do all these people have a TWANG? Is there a McCain supporter in the house that does NOT sound like Jeff Foxworthy?

These are not solutions, they are not smart choices, and they are not good ideas.

They are marketing and Advertising 101. The GOP pushes a fear based message to gain support. It is the same thing the WBush Administration started doing after 9/11. If they cannot sell you on it they make you afraid of it.

Don't get me wrong- It's REALLY productive marketing. You have to admit, it works. The Dem's have pushed a message of change, hope and progress. To me, that is a better message but much harder to get people on board with.

A true leader will rally people behind them through inspiration and ideals. Not through bullying and fear-tactics. Obama was 10pts ahead this morning. I'm holding my breath till NOV4 (GET OUT THE VOTE!!!!)

little DOGS!

I'd like to discuss something that happened over at Green Tangerine during a routine eyebrow wax today.

Now I'm an animal lover, sure. But when did it become acceptable in society to bring a DOG with you wherever you go? And if you know what I'm talking about- its not just any dog- its a little dog- chiuaua, shitsu, and the like. With very typical Paris Hilton-esque owners.

Now- point A- While I was standing in line waiting to pay this Lady's little dog was sniffing around me, climbing my leg, and stunk to high heaven. I'm not even going to ask how this 60 year old woman can dress like she is 22, afford $167 highlights, a Gucci bag, and so much David Yurman she could hardly lift a wrist and yes COULD NOT afford to get her dog washed. While others cooed at it I was violated by it. I don't like her smelly dog and I really do not want it on me. Why is there a dog in here?!

Point B- this is dog discrimination. If I was getting my hair done, would I be allowed to bring in my doberman, pit bull, or great dane? No. And don't play the size card here as an argument. I'm sure they would be less than pleased if I hauled my cat in to sleep on a massage table during my appointment.

The point is- leave the little rat dogs at home. Assume all places except for parks and petco are dog free zones.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Britney has done it again. She is the Teflon Bill Clinton of the pop world. The womanizer video was released today and it is HOT.

The song itself- like so many other Britney songs- I found totally annoying at first and then suddenly found myself humming it in the shower. It gets into your head like a very small but very real bullet. That nasal, synthesised voice seduces you. She is pop star gold. It runs in her white trash Alabama veins along side Funions, Cheetos, and Budweiser.

Judging from her birthday suit sauna scenes she has gotten that pre babies body back with a vengeance in large thanks to a combination of drugs, diet pills, personal chefs, and billions of dollars riding on her waistline.

But let's face it- its easy to take cheap shots at the trailer park prom queen. But I will give her credit too. Two babies later, fathered by the trailer park prom king, she has endured countless hits to her career and personal life. A year ago the world even got to watch as she she had a full blown nervous breakdown. And where is she today? Back on top of the charts with a music video that is currently being downloaded in the mental spank banks of men and confused girls aged 15-80.

She is not a role model, she is not healthy, smart, sophisticated, funny, or even remotely sane. But she is a damn good entertainer.

my first post

I started blogging about three years ago- but not consistently. I seemed to only blog when I was outraged or really had something to say. In my old age I notice I have a lot more to say every day than I used to. SO I figured a blog would be a good place to start. I intend to write about politics, the state of the nation, music, movies, pop culture, food, and general annoyances.

thank you.